galston community news

Join the Hills Audit Risk and Improvement Committee

By Dr Peter Gangemi - Mayor of The Hills Shire Council

Council is currently advertising for three community members to join The Hills Audit Risk and Improvement Committee (ARIC).

The ARIC acts as an independent advisory committee, providing independent assurance to Council to assist with its oversight responsibilities by monitoring, reviewing and providing advice about the Council governance processes, compliance, risk management and control frameworks, external accountability obligations and overall performance.

The committee will meet four times a year and consist of three Councillors and three external independent members. One of the external independent members will be appointed as the Chair as part of this process.

The appointments will be for an initial four (4) year period, with independent members paid a sitting fee per meeting, ex GST, of between: $1500 and $1750 (Chairperson), and $750 to $1200 (independent members).

To download an information pack and to apply to join the ARIC, please visit the Council website below or email Council’s Risk Co-ordinator Fiona Coad [email protected]

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