galston community news

Johnson Road Community Meeting

Hornsby Shire Councillor Tania Salitra invited Galston community residents to gather at 3 Johnson Road in Galston on Sunday 11th August 2024, to express our community interest inretaining the site for local 24/7 community enjoyment, and to hear about her motion to Council to WITHDRAW their plans to pursue assessing the site for rezoning to General Industrial E4.

Around 58 residents were able to attend, and appreciated Cr Salitra’s stand in support of the many community and environmental benefits offered by the site as it now stands.

Galston residents believe that our constant communications with Council about our value of and need for the site, as our local community park, are being heard and understood by Council.

At Council’s monthly meeting on 14th August, Council majority vote was against supporting Councillor Salitra’s motion at this time. However, Council made it clear that they ARE hearing and taking into account our community’s views, and will be seeking further community input regarding Council’s possible development proposal when their site assessment process is completed in around March 2025.