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Is This the signature of a thief?

Dear Editor,
This graffiti was sprayed on the wall of our local community Bank in February, the cost of removing it is a drain on the amount on financial support that the bank can donate to benefit activities and project in our local area

Maybe the offender needs to reminded of the assistance that have helped all the local primary schools (Arcadia, Galston, Middle Dural, Hillside, Maroota) with white boards to everything in between, Galston High has facilities that would be the envy of any private schools thanks to the bank.

The Girl Guides have an updated kitchen and cooking facilities, youth have had the opportunity of attending leadership courses. A few very luck ones have enjoyed life at sea on the ‘Young Endeavor’.

Whatever sport from netball, cricket, football, swimming, pony club to Hornsby Hospital, Fred Hollow foundation, Careflight, all have been grateful and enjoyed the Banks help and lots of others well.

So if you have the opportunity of talking to the “Grafitti Artist” please encourage them to be aware of their actions and the wide spread effect it has on helping our community. Dennis Phillips

ABC Seamless