galston community news

Humanitarian Overseas Service Medal Awards

On Monday 13th January, the Glenorie Rural Fire Brigade was able to come together to celebrate the award of the Humanitarian Overseas Service Medal (HOSM) to two of our members.

Chris Compton and Chloe Compton (nee Paton), who were deployed to British Columbia, Canada in 2017, as a part of the Australian response to wildfires in the country at that time. They spent 6 weeks working as a part of the very first RFS overseas deployment of firefighters on the ground.

The medal is a part of the Australian Honours System, and is awarded to those who perform humanitarian service in a foreign country, in dangerous environments.

Chloe and Chris are based in the UK these days, so it was wonderful to welcome them home to Glenorie, during their Christmas visit with their families, who also were able to attend and see them receive their awards.

Acting District Manager, Inspector Nathan Barndon, District Officer Ian Waddell, and Deputy Group Captain Matthew Lloyd made the presentations.

Well done to Chloe and Chris, we’re very proud of you.