galston community news

Hornsby Gang Show Tumbles Through Time

Take a tumble through time and end up at the Hornsby Gang Show.

The Scouts and Guides at Hornsby Gang Show are renowned for staging a bright and colourful variety show every year in the July school holidays.

In 2024 the show will be showcasing musical items from many time periods as well as some very funny sketches. “Tumble Through Time” showcases the talented Scouting and Guiding youth who range in age from 12 – 26 and represent every section of their organisations.

It is one of the very few large and spectacular live stage performances available and provides excellent holiday entertainment for the whole family, young and old.

The show will be performed at Abbotsleigh, Wahroonga from 5th – 13th July and tickets and full details are available now at

Penny Becchio, Asst. General Manager, Marketing and Promotions [email protected] | 04 1444 2564