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Hillslife Church

How is it that the extraordinary became ordinary? That the supernatural became just natural?

Last month we looked at the life of Jesus, he healed the sick, the blind, the lame, he rose people from the dead! He changed water to wine, he withered a fig tree through a word. Extraordinary!

Yet, history hasn’t been kind to Jesus. What Jesus did and how the Holy Spirit moved 2000 years has seemingly been diluted so that now church appears more about rules, routines, and rituals … and the miraculous has morphed into religion.

Last month we spoke of the revelation that comes when you truly understand that Jesus lived. A knowledge that Jesus cares for us, for the broken and the lost, the sick and lame, not the religious and pious.

Jesus lived and He was fun. Sinners and tax collectors gathered around him, they ate with him, drank with him, enjoyed time with him.

Jesus was fun! Fun to be with, fun to hang around, He was loving, joyous and made you feel comfortable and accepted. He lived to reach the lost, He died to save us all.

If only Christians truly understood that Jesus died for them. Not just read about it in their bible, or attended church on Good Friday.

If only it was truly revealed.

It would transform our thinking, our way of life.

Jesus foretold His death, even welcomed it … for what it represented. He died so that we could have grace. He died so that our sins were washed away.

In a sense, Jesus is the ultimate tag team wrestler! Just as it seems we have no hope, He dives in for us and takes our burden and even leads us to victory.

“Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest”. (Matthew 11:28).

Jesus died so that we could be forgiven. We all sin, we will all continue to sin, yet when we take Jesus as our saviour we are freed from the bondage of sin.

This is possibly the greatest revelation missing from most Christians … we are FREE from sin. We are saved by grace.

You say “Oh, I know that”. Well do you suffer from guilt? Regret? The “if only” syndrome, if only I hadn’t done that, or if only I had.

We are freed from this burden, we are freed from this battle that seems constant in our minds.

There is freedom available to us all, a life without regret and guilt: a life full of love, joy, peace.

If you are burdened by guilt, shame, or regret, you no longer need to be. That battle that thrives in your mind can be replaced by a spiritual peace, that shame replaced by joy, and the guilt replaced by love.

Jesus is fun, and offers a life of joy not rules or burdens! Pray to Jesus and seek His cleansing to release those areas of your life that have weighed you down.