galston community news


Congratulations to our Relay Team which came first at the Sydney North Athletics Carnival at Homebush in record time. The team will now represent not just Hillside but all of Sydney North at the State Athletics Carnival in November. A wonderful achievement for the team.

This success follows on from the Touch Football Team coming fifth in the State Finals of the Small Schools Knockout Competition. It was a long day with four full games having to be played. All the students were great sports and played their best. Well done Team! There are so many more opportunities in the sporting arena for students in small schools like Hillside.

Early Bird Program
Our students are looking forward to welcoming all of our new Kindergarten students for 2020, when they participate in our Early Bird Program this term. Over three sessions the children will join in with the K/1 Class in a variety of school familiarisation activities. It is a wonderful opportunity for them to meet their Buddies for next year, learn school routines and procedures and become familiar with the school buildings and surrounds. They will participate in literacy, numeracy, music and visual arts activities. The culmination will be the Teddy Bears Picnic on Wednesday 27 November when they will join the whole school in fun filled morning of activities.

Being a small school has many advantages including being offered programs such as the School Swimming Scheme where the whole school is permitted to participate, not just the stage 2 students. All of our students will be strengthening their swimming skills during the two-week program later this term at Galston Pool.

Once again, Hillside has received a Sporting Schools Grant enabling all of our students to participate in Softball lessons. The program will run for 8 weeks on Friday afternoons.

Thank you to all the Hillside and Glenorie community for supporting the recent Trivia and Silent Auction Night Fundraiser. It was wonderful seeing the support from local families, organisations and businesses.

If you are looking for a small school where there are so many more opportunities, the classes are small and students are nurtured and do not fall through the cracks, come and visit Hillside. We are a small school with a big heart!

Please contact the school office on 9652 1459 and we will be happy to answer any questions.
