galston community news

Hillside Public School

The end of term has come around very quickly, with the students engaged and busy in all their learning.

During the Environmentors visit, the children learnt all about the terrible effects that littering causes to our environment.

Last week, gymnastics was held every morning here at Hillside. The program was terrific. What a fantastic time the children had learning and developing their skills – handstands, cartwheels, forward and backward rolls, bar work and much much more! Thank you Louise for a superb program.

Congratulations to Blake and Arabella both in Year 6 who received the Aussie of the Month Award and the Kindness Award, respectively, at last week’s assembly. It is wonderful to see our Year 6 leaders are such Respectful, Responsible Learners.

Our relay swimming team – Arabella, Joshua, Lucas and Blake swam at the State carnival today at Homebush. Even though they swam their very best, they did not progress past their heat. Congratulations to the team.

Yesterday years 3- 6 tried their hand at tie-dye and were amazed as they undid the elastic bands on the bags today – some beautiful patterns were created.

Today Easter was all round at Hillside. The whole school joined and were involved in many Easter activities – cooking nests for the Easter eggs, making Easter wreaths, bilby mask making and pizza making for lunch. A fantastic day was had by all. If you are looking for a small school where each student’s needs are catered for in a positive learning environment, please come and visit Hillside or phone the office on 96521459.