galston community news

Hillside Public School

Hillside Public School

Congratulations to our students in years 3 to 6 on their outstanding win in the first round of the State Touch Football Knockout.

They displayed great teamwork and sportsmanship. Thank you to the staff and students at Waterfall Public School for hosting the game. The next round is a home game for us against Macdonald Valley early next term.

At Hillside Public School, we believe sport and exercise are key ingredients to providing a healthy, happy, prosperous life for our students; it can help develop important character traits and lifelong values in students, which can create a positive impact in their lives.

Our students actively participate in several structured physical activities during the school week. On Mondays, students are led through various sessions, including fundamental movement skills, games, running, and fitness stations.

On Friday, the students are involved in sporting activities. This term, all students participated in gymnastic lessons through a qualified teacher from Moving Bodies. After recess on the other days of the week, the students have been honing their skills and improving their fitness and stamina by skipping for 10 minutes.

Hillside students are always busy and active at recess and lunchtimes as well. Whether it is playing in the large sandpit, learning new skills on the climbing frame, kicking a football around, teaching the younger students how to play handball, playing ping pong, sitting quietly making structures out of Lego, playing with the toy cars or the all-time favourite of playing tip with the whole school. All students are also participating in the Premier’s Sporting Challenge this term.

• Enhanced student-teacher relationships. Hillside Public School
• The Current teacher to student ratio is 1 to 8.
• A community nurturing atmosphere. Hillside Public School
• Teachers at small schools have a greater capacity to tailor learning to each child.
• Students – their strengths, challenges, and motivations – are known by the teachers.
• It’s safe to give things a go. When a child feels safe, they are at their best. They learn better, they create better, and they socially interact better with others. Hillside Public School
• All year 6 students are school leaders, so they move on to high school, being well prepared young leaders and confidently take on responsibilities there. Hillside Public School

Parent Information Night on Tuesday 20 July at 6 pm
The school is holding a Parent Information Night on Tuesday 20 July at 6 pm. This is an opportunity for parents to hear about the great programs available at Hillside, chat with the teachers, visit the classrooms and meet other parents in an informal setting. If you are interested in seeing what makes Hillside the right school for your child, please join us on Tuesday, 20 July.

Hillside Public School contact details: 02 9652 1459 

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