galston community news

Hills’ seniors celebrate NSW Seniors Week

Thursday 7 April saw 250 local seniors partake in two free events run by The Hills Shire Council as part of NSW Seniors Week Celebrations.

Mayor of the Hills Shire Dr Michelle Byrne thanked seniors for attending the Council run events and highlighted the importance of recognising all groups within our community.

“Seniors play an important role in The Hills community. Many of our seniors are volunteers or have a long history of service to the local community. Free seniors events like those run by Council as part of NSW Seniors Week, allows us to recognise and reward the hard work of our seniors,” Mayor Byrne said.

The first Seniors Week event was a free screening of My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 at Event Cinemas Castle Hill. The screening was attended by 220 excited Hills’ seniors who also had the opportunity to share in a free morning tea provided by Cranbrook Residences.

“We would like to thank our two event sponsors Cranbrook Residences and Event Cinemas Castle Hill for helping us put on this fantastic event for our seniors. The event was a huge success and we are looking forward to running another free movie in the near future,” Mayor Byrne said.

The second event run by Council was the Years Ahead Driver Program, a presentation delivered by the NRMA which explored new legislation, vehicle and driver safety. Years Ahead was held at Council’s Chambers and was attended by 30 keen seniors who were rewarded for their years of driving experience with a free morning tea after the presentation.

“Both Years Ahead and the Seniors Movie were well attended and the feedback we received was overwhelmingly supportive for each event. The success of these events reflects the active role our seniors play in our community and in support of local events. We look forward to rewarding this involvement with more great events for seniors over the coming year,” Mayor Byrne said.

If you are interested in future events like the Seniors Movie or Years Ahead visit and subscribe to the Sydney Hills Events e-Newsletter.