galston community news

Hills Hawks Football Club

As this particular scribe ‘hangs up their pen’ after four years working with the mighty Hills Hawks Football Club (Go Hawkies), thoughts go back to the wonderful group of people that devote their time to make this club – and indeed all community sports clubs – run smoothly year after year.

They exist behind the scenes for the most part, selflessly giving up their time so that the local community can enjoy a healthy social activity like soccer, netball or rugby league.

People come and go from such committees, sometimes helping out for a year, often times several before stepping aside as their children grow up or move on.

However, in my experience there are generally a core group that provide the knowledge and stability that makes a club great, that invest hours and hours of their spare time in planning meetings, organising committees, operating the Club BBQ, working as Fair Play officials and so forth.

It is these people that provide the platform for a whole community to come together, wear their club colours proudly and enjoy a sport, whether they are six years old or forty-five.

Much as it may sound like a lot of work and even sometimes a thankless task, let me assure you it is a thoroughly rewarding experience and I personally leave the committee with mixed emotions about stepping down.

To be a volunteer in the great Galston, Glenorie, Arcadia, Dural area and surrounding suburbs is to engage with new people, make new friends and forge strong ties to individuals and business owners – to be a bigger part of the community, in other words.

As others step in to fill vacant roles, the cycle of volunteer work at a local sports club continues and the energy and dedication that others have shown passes down the line.

However, never take for granted the work that these wonderful people do for their community, to keep the wheels turning and provide a strong, proud club for their locals to enjoy. We salute you, regardless of which code you represent, and commend your dedication and selfless commitment to the sport, local kids and the wider community.

I would personally urge anyone and everyone to get involved, and take a turn filling one of the roles at their club. It really is a vital part of running a not-for-profit sports organisation, as well as being very rewarding and a whole lot of fun with great people. Oh… and one last time… Go Hawkies!