galston community news


Men singing in Harmony is a fantastic sound! The range of voices from high to the very low is a dynamic sound and makes for beautiful music.

Based in the Hills District, Hills Harmony Chorus is a men’s choir which sings in 4 part acapella close Harmony. We love our music, we love performing, and we have a great time together.

During first three months of 2020, Hills Harmony has been very active. We recommenced for our 2020 year on 16th January and immediately started preparations for our open night held on Thursday 6th February. We had a tremendous response with 15 enthusiastic men coming along to have a look at what the Chorus does and the fun we have. Many of our visitors, having enjoyed their first evening with us, have deciding to return and join the Chorus.

On 13th February we sang for the New South Wales Senior’s festival Expo at Darling Harbour International Convention Centre. This was a huge event spread over two days to which some 30,000 people attend each year. For each of our three sets during both days of the event, we entertained large, enthusiastic audiences who clapped and sang along to our up-tempo numbers. It was wonderful to see such pleasure on the faces of so many people. We also had the pleasure of singing to our State Premier, Gladys Berejiklian, as she stopped to listen on her way through the exhibition.

This event was followed with a short performance at the Hornsby RSL club on 20th February helping Hornsby Council celebrate Senior’s week. Again, our performance was well received.

On 22nd February we continued our busking theme with a two-hour busking segment at Hornsby Mall, just near the water clock. From our generous and enthusiastic audience, we were surprised and pleased at the donations we received for our performance. Thank you to the many Hornsby shoppers who stopped to listened and donated so generously.

Later this year, on Saturday 10th October we will be holding our bi-annual concert in the Pioneer Theatre at Castle Hill. It will be a great evening, so please jot this one down in your diaries or calendars. Closer to the day, more details and tickets will be available on our website

The concert is a charity event supporting Lifeline.

So, if you like singing and feel you would enjoy singing with like-minded men, then we would love you to come along to one of our rehearsals held each Thursday evening commencing 7:30 PM in the Kellyville Anglican Church gym hall. Given our restrictions at the moment, it may be prudent to call ahead. The Chorus leases the hall and is not affiliated with any religious group. We promise a fun-filled evening with a light supper toward the end. Feel free to contact one of our members noted below, or, simply turn up. You will always be welcome.

David: 0417 653 227
Paul: 0419 635 537
Richard: 0423 343 565

Ladies, perhaps you have a friend, Son, Husband, Partner or Father who you know loves to sing…we’d love to see them at one of our rehearsals. So, spread the world!

Sterling Pest