galston community news

Hills Future 2036 Planning Meeting

The Glenorie Progress Association organised a special presentation by the Hills Shire Planning Team to provide Glenorie residents with an idea of the planning future of Glenorie Village and outer lying areas. Whilst there are always questions regarding subdivision, the planners provided some interesting information:

1. Glenorie can (and they recommended should) develop concept plans of how we want the village to look. What services and amenities we would like and what type and mix of housing. It is possible for this to be developed into a Glenorie Village Plan and a character overlay and place statement which would set the framework for any development.

2. They showed a slide with a 1 km radius from Glenorie Village centre and indicated that more density of housing in those areas would maintain a village atomosphere and encourage walking to the village and parks etc.

3. A slide was also presented showing that agricultural businesses in our area are actually increasing. Hills Planner, Stuart Seale, cited 3 businesses that he was personally aware of. These businesses were using more intensive farming methods and embracing technology advances. (See Hills Shire Review of Industrial and Employment Activities 2019)

4. Sydney Water limitations for sewage treatment was a hurdle for future development around the village, but examples were given of areas who had overcome this.

5. Callum Hoogesteger (Secretary of GPA) highlighted the need for Council to allow existing businesses in the rural areas to continue. We want to encourage locals to work locally.

This is just a brief synopsis of all the things presented and discussed. Copies of reports presented can be found on our website, or on the Glenorie Progress Association (GPA) Website, If you want to be kept up to date with information, consider joing the GPA. Its only $15 per year and you can join online.