galston community news

Dural & Hills District Garden Club

Do you like to enjoy an evening of gardening information, friendship and laughter, then come and join us at the Dural and Hills District Garden Club which meets on the first Wednesday of the month at the Middle Dural Rural Fire Station at 57 Mid Dural Road (beside the Middle Dural Public School) commencing at 8.00pm. New members and visitors are most welcome.

Our club enjoys Guest Speakers at each meeting. February was with Gary Dale from Geranium Cottage Nursery enlightening us with his tricks of the trade. In March we received an invitation from the Galston Seventh-day Adventist Church to join them for Dinner, followed by our Guest Speaker Mal Johnson from Boongala Gardens who enlightened us with the families and history of Cattai Creek.

April saw us entertained by Rosemary Roberts who also brought along numerous specimens and a wealth of knowledge on growing Hoyas – picture right being one of the many cuttings she shared with the members at the conclusion of her talk.

Our club also holds monthly garden visits and Day Bus Trips, the most recent on Wednesday 24th April where we enjoyed morning tea at Wildwood, followed with lunch at Mt Tomah Botanic Gardens and finishing the day at Peta Trahar’s garden and nursery “Woodgreen” at Bilpin.

Future guest speakers will be Brian Roach discussing ‘Natives’. Judy Horton, editor of ‘Our Gardens’ magazines and Len Best, who will update us on ‘Fire Protection’.

A Day trip is planned for later in the year to the Gosford area, visiting Nurseries, Chocolate factory and Op Shop for the Ladies.

Our President, Elaine Colley invites you to come and have a cuppa and cake with us.

For more information concerning our club, please contact Dale, Social Secretary on 0416 299 200 or Marg, Secretary on 0482 053 438.

Refresh Painting-