One of the most engaging activities that can be undertaken in bushland or wetland environments is to observe those birds which frequent that immediate locality. Experienced bushwalkers keep a particular eye out for any birds they may encounter along the way.
However, there are dedicated people whose main focus when out in bushland is to concentrate solely on the birdlife around them.
For these enthusiastic people, “discovering” a new bird that they have not seen before can be a very satisfying experience.
There are a number of strategies that can be adopted for others who may find bird watching an interesting past time.
In order to “get up close and personal” with small birds who occupy the undergrowth as well as the canopy, a powerful pair of binoculars would be essential. A comprehensive field guide is also very useful when helping to identifying most birds. Appropriate clothing and footwear for the bird watcher is also advisable.
Aspects to consider when attempting to determine the type of any bird being observed, is to consider its size and colour, the shape of its head and beak, the colour and length of its legs, as well as any call that can be heard.
Being as inconspicuous as possible is advantageous, as birds, especially small ones, are very wary of unusual movement nearby. Being quiet and patient lessens any disturbance that may interrupt the process of observing the interesting habits of the bird being watched.
For further information about bird identification and observation techniques, particularly for those considering involvement in this worthwhile activity, it is suggested that the reader enter the following web address into their browser:
This year the “Aussie Backyard Bird Count” will be held during Bird Week from Monday October 16 to Sunday October 22.
Lachlan will hold a “Do You Know That Bird” Workshop on Thursday October 19 at 10.00am at the Community Environment Centre in Currie Avenue, Annangrove.
This workshop is free, but bookings are essential through Eventbrite at the Hills Shire Council web site. https://www.
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