galston community news

Heavy Rainfall Around Hawkesbury Area

STATUS UPDATE 13: This truly is an unlucky update unfortunately.

There has been heavy rainfall throughout the catchment during the morning, with significant inflows into the river system throughout the Upper Nepean, Warragamba Dam, Blue Mountains, Hawkesbury and Colo Valley.

The rivers have continued rising and the BOM is predicting further heavy rainfall with a severe weather warning for most of eastern NSW.

The latest BOM Flood Watch is indicating flood levels will return to last weeks heights, and may increase to equal the 2021 flood levels.

Colo River has already exceeded the peak reached yesterday, and is continuing to rise. The Grose River peaked around 5.8m and is currently falling, but more rain in the mountains will see it also rise again, adding more water to the Hawkesbury.

There are now rapid rises coming through the Upper Nepean, with some parts back in major flood. These will flow through to the Hawkesbury over the next 4-5 hours, pushing our levels even higher.

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