galston community news

Our Back Paddock

My parents moved onto their land at Dural over 60 years ago. Back then, it was so much quieter in Dural. For my brothers and I our back paddock was always a special place.

It has changed over the years. When I was young, it was a paddock with sheep .We entered it through a gate between two tall pencil pines. We loved our sheep. Sometimes we’d even try to ride the ones with horns which was great fun! Once, one ewe died while giving birth to her lamb, we named that lamb Bessie and hand-reared her. She was so tame and along with the many cats we she a perfect pet. Each year in about September or October, we had Grazcos come to shear the sheep, which was so special to watch. It was sad for us all , when our last three sheep were ravaged by wild dogs, who had jumped the fence.

Another treat for us as children was walking down, past the sheep, to near the back fence to have a picnic near the bush behind. A China Pear tree there and when in season my elder brother and I would climb to pick the fruit. We sold the pears on the roadside for 6 pence each. Amazingly, the pear tree is still there, although way too high to climb and I’ve not seen pears on it for years.

After the sheep, the paddock was used for agisting horses and later a rose grower moved in and filled it with rose plants, which were beautiful at flowering time.

When Dad retired from his full time work, he decided to build a tennis court and gardens in our paddock. Since then, the whole house, garden and tennis court have sprawled into one with no fence separating. In all it’s different guises it has always given us pleasure and happy memories. Contributed by Christine.

Movember Vets

Looking debonair (?) the Vets from Glenorie Veterinary Clinic are going wild (well their whiskers anyway) to help support men’s health awareness. Movember is an annual event involving the growing of moustaches during the month of November to raise awareness of men’s health issues, such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and men’s suicide.

Well done Vets and I wonder whether you will keep it on or shave it off…

Flat battery

Recently I had to perform a marriage for a friend who I have known for nearly 30 years. You would think that this would have been less stressful than usual but it was quite the reverse as it added an extra layer of concern. Pete, my husband is my assistant on ceremony days and one of his roles (it may seem minor but to me it makes a huge difference) is to drive me to the venue. After making sure we had everything we got in the car. Flat battery…..ahhh…panic, how do we deal with this…. where are the jumper leads (last seen, no where). While I went searching for the elusive leads, Pete suggested that he drive his van over to the car so that we could use it to jump start from. In high heels and my best dress I started to poke around the garage when it dawned on me that we could travel in the van and forget about the car. Stress can mess with rational thought, of course we had choice and we even had my daughter’s car in the driveway. We arrived safely, in good time and delivered a seamless ceremony. Phew!

Zumba Halloween birthday

To celebrate our instructor, Nina’s birthday, which coincided with Halloween we all joined into the spirit of the occasion by dressing in orange and black. It was fortunate that we had a fun filled work out because afterward we all enjoyed a feast of Halloween inspired food…Nina started the class with ‘Monster Mash’ and continued to make us smile with her high energy and enthusiasm. It is impossible to attach a number to Nina as she is timeless, beautiful, energetic and youthful. The whole class endorse with praise the contribution she makes to our lives. Hope you enjoyed your celebration Nina,,,,keep shining.

30th Birthday tribute

On the 29th of November 1987, Michael Adriaansen, third son of Tony and Carol Adriaansen of Galston was born 3 months premature. Mike is now about to turn 30.

The doctors would be amazed to know that he has made it to this age. Mike had to fight for his life and three times he miraculously recovered after the doctors had given up hope.

Because of his prematurity he developed some disabilities. John and Lindy Randle, formerly of Galston do a terrific job of caring for Mike and we are eternally grateful to them for all they do for him. They now live on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland.

Well done Mike and happy 30th birthday. God bless, Carol and Tony Adriaansen.

Camellia Haven’ Changes Hands

Discretely positioned down a long driveway surrounded by magnificent established gardens with an array of natural colour a young couple from Schofields have found home. Once a Camellia nursery this is the first time in 15 years that the property has changed hands. While we welcome this new couple who are looking forward to creating a home and embracing the lifestyle on offer in the local Glenorie district, we farewell the previous owners and thank them for being custodians of such a glorious space.

Lumby Hampson

Michelle’s Support

Michelle Riley Fitness and Performance Management is not only passionate about fitness and helping her clients become fit, trimmed, toned and feeling fabulous, Michelle is also very passionate about Health Awareness.

Michelle is doing her part to help raise health awareness but to also support charities that are close to her family and friends.

On the 6th June 2000 Michelle’s Grandma was a lucky recipient of a Kidney Transplant. If it wasn’t for the generosity and the fact that another person was an organ and tissue donor than my Grandma may not be here today. Just over 17 years later and Michelle’s Grandma is still fit and healthy. All of Michelle’s family are now registered organ and tissue donors and encourage everyone to register as one organ and tissue donor can transform the lives of 10 or more people. https://register.

Back on Track Chiropractic

A special thank you from Back on Track Chiropractic. As we approach our 8th birthday with the local community, Back on Track Chiropractic has relocated to a beautiful new location in the heart of Galston. We are so thrilled that our new practice has been met with overwhelming support and positivity from our valued existing patients, as well as all the lovely new patients visiting us for the first time in Galston.

Stay tuned for announcements about our new team of therapists coming in the new year by visiting our facebook page, where you can also find photos of Back on Track Chiropractic’s new home. We have a brand new website www. about to launch which features online booking as well as patient testimonials and care information.

We look forward to continuing to offer safe, experienced and effective care that is tailored and unique to each patient’s individual health and wellness needs.