galston community news

Eliit turns One

With the sun shining and cool air kissing our skin, we could not have asked for a better day to celebrate Eliit Therapies and Body Balance Studio’s milestone event – our First Birthday. We laughed and chatted with old friends and made some new ones, enjoyed the beautiful scents drifting from @eightwellnesslane essential oils, while our taste buds sang with delight thanks to tasty treats from the Naked Bakery. Thanks to all our members who joined us to celebrate and wish us well. Congratulations to the winners of our lucky door prizes. Looking forward to seeing you in the studio keeping you warm this winter.

Last month I was in a whirl and I inadvertently missed including the first four of the following great stories from the community. While the timing is slightly delayed the sentiments remain the same.

If you are willing to invest some down time reading these pieces you will get the update to ‘The children of our children’….while I could have adjusted the story I enjoyed reflecting on the high emotion at the time of writing and felt that many will relate to and appreciate the anxiety I was experiencing at that time.

The children of our children… part 1

My daughter is over from Nairobi to have her second baby. As I am writing this she is one week over due and, by the time you read this, I am sure that we will have a new baby in family. But right now it is both an anxious and exciting time. In order to help out I have been spending precious time with her first child, my grandson. As there is a playgroup at the top of our street I thought I would be brave and enter a world which I had left far behind. To my absolute shock, surprise and delight there were two other grandparents present, we laughed and frolicked (well I did) because we three used to do ‘playgroup’ a generation ago. Here we were now with the children of our children.

A Goliath Morning Tea

On the 23rd of May, Galston Village Pharmacy hosted a delicious morning tea as a part of the Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea, which supports The Cancer Council. I attended to offer support but was also the semi official photographer. Given my previous story about my pants not fitting, I did try my best to resist the delectable temptations on display but I buckled for the apricot slice (twice) and if the cook is reading this please email me the recipe…haha! I promise to share it, both the slice and the recipe. I am usually very lucky when it comes to raffles and I did it again, winning a fabulous collection of Natio products. I just wanted to thank the Pharmacy for bringing people together for such a worthwhile cause. It was a happy morning indeed!

PS I love my prize, pictures is another prize winner Lily.

Children of our children, part2

Literally after I had finished writing the first “Children of our children’ my daughter, Miranda, said that it was time to call the midwives. After the horror delivery of her first child, two years prior, she decided that another approach was needed. And so Rafferty Oisin Grant (at 4.4kgs) was delivered at our home in Glenorie. Tears, excitement and pride. It is a very disarming and at times, disturbing viewing platform for a mother watching her daughter handle such an experience.

Having all surfaced from this joy all family members then transferred their attentions to my eldest son and his partner who were on the threshold of parenthood. Ten days after Rafferty was born, Indiana Somerset Stokes was welcomed into the world. After having 4 sons (and one daughter), 2 son in laws and 2 grandsons, it took me quite some time to understand that we now had a little girl to help balance the family dynamics.

Of course my son Roly, the great adventurer named his daughter Indiana and we were all delighted that Miranda’s middle name, Somerset was chosen to accompany Indiana throughout her life. Busy times for me as Rafferty’s other grandparents, from Houston stayed with us for 2 weeks and then Amber’s (Indiana’s mother) parents came from Auckland to share in the happiness.

I am off to Nairobi in early July, to help Miranda back with her boys….I’ll see you at the other end but I do hope you all have some delights come your way which you are happy to share…

Finding Tim

There are few things which can disrupt your daily life and one of them is losing your wallet. Recently my husband did just that. Super annoying! But the next day a note along with the missing wallet were found in our letterbox. Tim, you are an amazing human. We have been hunting for you ever since you returned the wallet as we would really like to thank you personally for encompassing all that it means to be thoughtful and trustworthy.  Contributed by Rochelle Gorman

Flash Mob

Galston Zumba once again represented our community by participating in a Flash Mob at ‘Relay for Life’.

Instuctor Nina asys, ‘I’m a very PROUD Zumba mumma – everyone took the time out of their days and nights to put this together…. and it has paid off, you are all amazing’. Nina’s joyful spirit is infectious, find out for yourself, Galston Community Hall, Wednesday and Friday at 10am.