galston community news

“Thanks to the Local Community”

Michelle from Michelle Riley Fitness and Performance Management is VERY excited to be nominated as a finalist in the “New Business” category for the Local Business Awards. This wouldn’t have been possible without the tremendous support and encouragement from not only the local Community but her amazing local ladies that come to fun female fitness classes.

Michelle would like to extend her appreciation and graduate to all her amazing ladies for helping to create a positive and encouraging environment where ladies can come and have fun while getting “t and healthy”. Michelle is continuing to encourage ladies to get active and take time to look after themselves and enjoying fitness.

We look forward to meeting you!

Well-trusted local dentist Dr Phillip Westley-Smith has closed the doors of his established practice after over 40 years serving the Round Corner community and surrounding suburbs.

He is entrusting Dr. Roy Robertson and Dr. Olivia Ignatiou at Round Corner Dental with the ongoing care of his patients. We have already met a number of wonderful locals that have been well looked after for many years, some for decades! It is a privilege to be asked to look after such loyal and satised patients.

There is nothing more wonderful than a wedding.

On a spectacular Sunday morning in mid March I had the pleasure of marrying a former employee of the Galston Community News. Karla, while searching for a celebrant, came across my website and decided that I was the one to perform her ceremony. As we started to chat it was revealed that she once worked in Glenorie, a little more chat and we realised that I am now doing the job she once did for the Galston Community News. How marvellous and such a coincidence.

Karla Orley and Dan Hepburn’s ceremony was held in Boronia Park, next to the Epping Club where they followed on for their celebration. the open and expressive faces of the 100 guests projected love and support for Karla, Dan and their combined families. It was a beautiful occasion and Karla and Dan should feel elated by the whole experience.

A run in the park

A huge thank you for the volunteers who put on Galston PARKRUN. You all do an amazing job and we appreciate your ethorts every week. Are you yet to discover Galston PARKRUN? It is on every Saturday, 8am at Fagan Park. We love going as it is for fun, tness, families, friends and all for free. Run, walk or jog with the whole family including puppies on leads. So get a group together or come by yourself. To register go to they will track your time for you every time you come. that way you can see how you are improving. It is so easy. You never know who you may see. thanks again guys from all those who keep coming back each week!!   Contributed by Jasmin Old

Celebrating first year success

this time last year my dear friend, Michele, and I came together to share a vision. We dreamt of a space where people could connect, learn and nurture themselves with beautiful treatments. We found a suitable house and sat within the empty walls envisioning the space lled with people, laughter and love. Now one year later we have just celebrated our rst anniversary! On March 1 we honoured this amazing year by hosting a musical morning tea. Our guests had fun with inspirational music and a beautiful tea ceremony, launching our new Sacred Space tea blend.

We are truly grateful for the support of our local community, OSS member practitioners and the amazing Dural Chamber of Commerce! The Chamber has been such an important part of our growth this rst year and we look forward to welcoming them and our local community to the Our Sacred Space Market Day on April 29th. With Gratitude, Catherine. contributed by Catherine Czerepak Co-Creator from Our Sacred Space Meditation and Wellness Centre

Local Business Finalists

Congratulations to Salts of the Earth, Dural and Cafe Sasanqua in Glenorie and Rodneys Hair, Galston for being voted as nalists in the Hills Local Business Awards.

All businesses were nominated by their customers and through votes from their customers have both been declared as nalists in their categories. We wish them luck in the Grand Final to be held in April.

So nice to have such passionate business owners locally and great to see our community get behind them.

Cool Kids

Galston playgroup has been in operation for a number of years. Our original air-con unit was old and struggling to cool our playgroup room. That was until Galston’s Bendigo bank kindly paid and installed a top of the range air-con unit. This has provided such a cool and comfortable environment for our mums, dads, grand parents, bubs and children to play in. Galston playgroup would like to send their sincerest gratitude to Bendigo bank. Currently, Galston playgroup have two sessions in operation, on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings from 9.30am. Attendee numbers are increasing quickly, so further days will soon open. New mother’s groups are also welcome to start their own mornings. If you would like to join this playgroup, which caters for all ages and which has a newly upgraded safe space for babies, indoor and outdoor toys, crafts, paints and a well equipped kitchen with a microwave and the all important coffee machine and only $2.50 per session, please contact Natalie Schunke on 0468 403 771. Thank you so much Bendigo bank!