galston community news

Have Your Say-Dangerous Roundabout

Dangerous Roundabout at the Intersection of Mid-Dural Road and Galston Road. contributed by Brian Buckley Clare, The Galston Safety Committee

Galston Road is a State road whose staff built a pedestrian crossing on the east side of the shopping centre side intended for use, mainly by the Galston High school children. Dangerous Roundabout

This crossing is poorly sited as it is too close to the Roundabout, and, due to plant growth and the central tree, persons cannot be seen coming from the western/ Hornsby Dural side. Dangerous Roundabout

There have been many near misses, and both Warren Waddell, the local Hornsby councillor and I, have had no success in getting the RTA to take remedial action to make this safe for pedestrians. Dangerous Roundabout

The day after installing barriers, they were crashed into at least twice on successive days. Dangerous Roundabout

The pedestrian crossing, used mainly by the school children from Galston High School, on the Shopping centre north side of Galston, cannot be seen by motorists doing the speed limit of 60 k’s.

The speed limit needs to be reduced for safety reasons and traffic control for motor vehicles backing out from vertical parking to the shops on the western side of Galston Road. A suggested limit is 40 k’s between Mid Dural Rd and Arcadia Rd, Galston. Dangerous Roundabout

A temporary solution would be to immediately remove the tree and all ground foliage and cement over the Roundabout. This is a serious accident spot with possible deaths to occur because of bad planning. Recommendations are to remove this pedestrian refuge from its present untenable position and put the crossing down further towards the High School where approaching traffic can see a proper pedestrian crossing in place.

A letter has been sent from The Galston Safety Committee to the RTA advising them of this potentially dangerous spot and asking for their urgent action to rectify this error.

If it is not corrected, our group will be advising persons involved in accidents at this location to sue the State Government.

What is a moral compass?
contributed by Ian Kerr

In 1984 2 Coalition Ministers were sacked over a false customs declaration, and in 1984 a Labor Minister was stood down for failing to declare a Paddington Bear.

The relevance to today is that there were standards in place in Federal Parliament at those times, in contrast to the world we live in now, both Federally and at the State level. Politicians fail to realise that society needs a moral compass.

The NSW Premier famously declared that pork-barreling was ok because everyone does it. We are in a race to the bottom; there are daily reports of corruption and misdeeds that go unpunished. We as individuals need a moral compass.

We know that you can not go online or go to a shop to buy one, nor can you go to university and get a degree in it. A compass is the ability to decide between right and wrong and act accordingly.

We as individuals rely heavily on the settings as set out in the family we grow up in and experiences based on the Leadership at all levels that are supposed to guide us.

I was fortunate in that I had guidance from home and from the company I worked for. As a society, I hope that change is coming. A federal ICAC would be a good start

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