galston community news

Grey W0lves at Dural

In December 1939, the Reverend Ronald O’Brien of Arcadia received his warrant to become a Cub Master for 1st Dural Cub Pack in the Parramatta District and this marked the beginning of the 1st Dural Scout Group.

On Saturday 6th July, the 1st Dural Scout Group came together to start its 80th Birthday celebrations and we took the opportunity to celebrate a few fabulous achievements of our youth members with our Scouting families. Despite the poor weather, we awarded three Cubs achieving their Grey Wolf Award (the highest award attainable in the Cub Scout Section)

Congratulations to Kristina Taylor, Lachlan Edwards and Emily Symons. Their respective families watched proudly as Honorary Commissioner Robin Garrett presented the awards in the presence of a large assembly of 1st Dural members.

Scouting offers Australian youth a program that contributes to their personal growth, offers leadership development opportunities, develops resilience, and prepares them for the challenges and opportunities of a 21st century global community.

1st Dural Group has currently has vacancies for Girls and Boys from 6 to 18 yo. Interested families should contact Lukas at [email protected]