galston community news

Glenorie Rural Fire Brigade News

Smoke alarms
Did you remember to change your smoke alarm batteries when you changed the time on your clock? With the winter months now upon us we would once again like to remind everyone of the importance of ensuring that you have working smoke alarms fitted. We suggest that you test and change the batteries in all smoke alarms so that you stay safe.

Hard Wired Smoke alarms still need a battery change
Don’t forget that even if your smoke alarm is hard wired to your home, it still has a battery that requires changing twice a year. During a blackout or if fire damages electric wiring to your house, your smoke alarm will rely on the back up battery.

Storm Damage
Over the last month, we experienced a high volume of rain in Glenorie that resulted in a number of callouts to assist with storm damage. We were called out to multiple trees down across communication lines and blocking roads. We were also called in the early hours of the morning to assist a resident with an overflowing storm water drain. Our members turned up just in time, the water was only moments away from entering the house. Members set up a portable pump and managed to remove most the water from the yard.

New Pile Burn Guidelines
With the fire season now over, there are many residents who wish to carry out pile burns on their properties. For those residents in the Hills Council area, the regulations have been updated since the start of the bushfire season. One of the new rules states that there must be an approved dwelling on the allotment if you wish to burn. If you do not comply with these conditions you are not permitted to burn, and this may result in the RFS having to extinguish a non-compliant fire, or possible action from the council.

For full guidelines please visit the Hills Council’s website: Management/Pollution-Monitoring/Burning-Regulations-Pile- Burns-for-Bushfire-Fuel-Management

For further information go to or contact the Brigade: Station Phone: 9652 2017 (leave a message and someone will get back to you) or talk to a real person, James: 0422 168 914. Visit the brigade stand at the Glenorie Growers Market on the fourth Sunday of the month in the grounds of Glenorie RSL. Facebook: Glenorie Rural Fire Brigade Email: [email protected]