galston community news

Glenorie Rural Fire Brigade News

Glenorie Fire Station Has a New Captain
Recently we held our Annual General Meeting. At the meeting we elected officers to fill various positions within the brigade. We would like to congratulate Glynn Lloyd on becoming Glenorie Fire Brigades new Captain. Glynn was Senior Deputy Captain which means that we also like to congratulate Rod Derriman on becoming Glenorie Fire Brigades new Senior Deputy Captain. Also, thanks to Sean Obrien, our previous Captain and his family for all the hard work and dedication he has put in to the brigade over the last two years. It has been a busy couple of years and we have seen some great things happening around the station to make it the great place it is today! Here’s a photo of Glynn proudly wearing his Captains stripes.

Hazard Reduction Burns
Each year, only a small window of opportunity exists where weather conditions are favourable to conduct controlled burns. At the time of writing this a number of hazard reduction burns are scheduled for areas around Sydney and other parts of the state over the coming weeks.

Hazard reduction is just one way of preparing for bush fires – it doesn’t remove the threat of fire, and it doesn’t remove the need for you and your family to be prepared.

You can see a list of the planned hazard reduction burns by visiting

This list may change at short notice depending on the weather at the time.

More Skills For Glenorie Members
One of our Deputy Captains, Matthew Lloyd attended an Aviation Communication and Evaluation (ACE) course in Wollongong in May. It was an impressive course, with attendees gaining skills in communicating with and directing aircraft on the fireground. There were two helicopters and two fixed wing aircraft involved in the course. Big thanks to RFS Aviation for putting the course on.

Come and Join Us! If you’re interested in joining us, we would love to have a chat with you. There are a number of different roles in the RFS from Fire Fighting to Communications to Catering and lots in between. You will learn some great skills, meet some life long friends and be able to assist in protecting your local community by becoming a member with us. If you would like to be a part of our excellent team or if you have any questions, feel free to give our recruitment coordinator James a call on 0422 168 914. Alternatively, you can swing by the station on Monday nights after 8pm or Sunday afternoons between 2pm and 4pm.

For further information go to or contact the Brigade: Station Phone: 9652 2017 (leave a message and someone will get back to you) or call James on 0422 168 914. Facebook: Glenorie Rural Fire Brigade Email: [email protected]