galston community news


Pile Burns
Being out of the Fire Season residents are permitted to carry out Pile Burns on their property without a Fire Safety Permit. If you are in Hornsby Council you will still need an approval to burn certificate which you can apply for online at the Hornsby Council Website. There are a number of rules around carrying out a Pile Burn and the rules differ between The Hills Shire Council and Hornsby Council. You can find the rules on the respective council website. If you are planning on carrying out a Pile Burn you must give immediate neighbours and all other residents that could be affected by smoke or see the fire at least 24 hours’ notice. You must also give your local fire control centre (Hornsby – 02 9883 2000, Hills – 02 9654 1244) at least 24 hours’ notice. If you are in the Glenorie area and would like assistance with burning a pile you can contact us via the details below.

Fire Place Safety
Now that the Fire Season is over and the cooler nights have settled in we remind everyone that has a Fire Place to get it checked and cleaned. House Fires are often started due to a blocked or damaged chimney. Whilst checking the checking the chimney, we encourage you to make sure all smoke alarms are working also.

First Aid Training
During April Glenorie Members conducted their first aid training and recertification. This is conducted annually to ensure we are up to scratch with all the latest first aid techniques to help better serve our community. As part of the course members are put through a number of scenarios including a staged Motor Vehicle Accident with a number of different challenges. Here are some photos from the course.

School Lockdown
During May we provided ongoing assistance at Glenorie Primary School with their regular Emergency Procedure Drills. Thanks to everyone that helped on the day.

For further information go to or contact the Brigade: Station Phone: 9652 2017 (leave a message and someone will get back to you) or call James on 0422 168 914.

Facebook: Glenorie Rural Fire Brigade
Email: [email protected]

George's Garden Maintenance