galston community news

Glenorie Rural Fire Brigade News

Get Ready Weekend

On Sunday September 17th, Glenorie Station will be having an open day. Come down between 10am and 2pm to see our station, have a look at our vehicles, ask any questions you might have and get advice on how to prepare your property for summer. We hope to have risk maps of our area so you can assess the risk level of your property. We look forward to seeing you and your family there.

Congratulations to our newest Life Members

Two of our members were recently awarded life membership of Glenorie Rural Fire Brigade. A huge thank you to Colvin Ellis and Diane Coxon-Ellis for their dedication, support and countless hours given to our brigade. Congratulations to both of you, it is very well deserved.

Blessing of the Fleet

Glenorie Brigade joined neighbouring brigades from both The Hills and Hornsby Shires at Galston Uniting Church for the annual Blessing Of The Fleet service. Melissa Burne, from Arcadia Brigade, shared the “why we do what we do” segment and the Hornsby RFS Chaplain, Christopher Pears, gave the message. The service was followed by a delicious lunch and a lovely time catching up with local brigade members when there was no smoke in the air. Special thanks to all at Galston Uniting Church for their wonderful hospitality.

Bush Fire at Spur Place

Last month, Glenorie Fire Brigade members responded to their pagers and SMS messages. Upon arriving at the address they found a number of acres of bush alight that was spreading rapidly. The crews got to work quickly and managed to contain the fire. It was a long night and we would like to thank Maroota, Canoelands, Hillside, Middle Dural and Round Corner Brigades for their assistance. Without the quick thinking crew and the help from all the other brigades the situation could have been a lot worse. This is a reminder early in the season that the ground fuel is quite dry and fire may spread quickly if ignited.

Property Preparation

With the fire season rapidly approaching, now is a great time to start preparing your home and property for summer. Here are 5 top actions to make your home safer:

1. Trim overhanging trees and shrubs.
2. Mow grass and remove cuttings and have a cleared area around your home.
3. Remove material that can burn around your home.
4. Clear and remove all leaves and debris from your gutters and around your home.
5. Prepare a sturdy hose that can reach around your home.

These are simple things you can do around your home to prepare it before a bush fire.

For further information go to or contact the Brigade: Station Phone: 9652 2017 (leave a message and someone will get back to you) or talk to a real person, James: 0422 168 914. Visit the brigade stand at the Glenorie Growers Market on the fourth Sunday of the month in the grounds of Glenorie RSL. Facebook: Glenorie Rural Fire Brigade; Email: [email protected]