galston community news

Glenorie Rural Fire Brigade News

2018 Glenorie Santa Run
Each year Glenorie and Hillside Brigades take Santa around Glenorie Village to see all the kids before he needs to go and deliver presents. The Santa Run will start at Timaru Street at 4:00pm and slowly move through the Eastern then Western side of Glenorie Village before ending at Glenorie Woolworths at 5:30pm. Listen out for the siren on our trucks so you know when he is coming. Once the Santa Run is finished it will be voted by the team at Woolworths which Brigades Fire Trucks are best decorated. We will also be dropping Santa off at the Christmas Carols at Glenorie RSL on 15 Dec.

Weather Forecast
Temperatures are going to rise and remain high over the Summer period according to the Bureau of Meteorology. They are also forecasting that rainfall will remain average and we will be seeing warmer days and warmer nights. Please make sure you have your Bush Fire Survival Plan up to date and know what you are going to do in the situation of a Bush Fire.

Brigade Training
The brigade has been very busy with a number of different training courses. We’ve had a number of new members join recently who have been working very hard on learning the basics of Fire Fighting and fire behaviour. Their assessment is coming up and they should be ready to go to help with the remainder of the fire season. Our qualified fire-fighters have been busy focusing on structure fire training. We have run a number of scenarios at the station putting our Breathing Apparatus Operators through their paces with other firefighters gaining more knowledge of how they can help at a structure fire scenario. On top of this we also recently ran an Advanced Resuscitation Techniques course at the station which a number of firefighters from the district attended.

Motor Vehicle Accidents
We have attended a large number of motor vehicle accidents over the last few months – many more than usual. As a matter-offact we have attended a total of 8 in the last two months. Just to name a few we attended a 3 car pileup, 3 separate incidents of cars rolling in different locations and another of a truck rolling. We urge everyone to drive sensibly and to the conditions. “We don’t want to meet you by accident” is not a joke. Please remember to responsibilities of driving on the road.

For further information go to or contact the Brigade: Station Phone: 9652 2017 (leave a message and someone will get back to you) or talk to a real person, James: 0422 168 914. Visit the brigade stand at the Glenorie Growers Market on the fourth Sunday of the month in the grounds of Glenorie RSL. Facebook: Glenorie Rural Fire Brigade. Email: [email protected]