galston community news

Glenorie Rural Fire Brigade News

Total Fire Bans

A number of Total Fire Ban’s have already been declared since the start of the fire season and with the drought conditions continuing across much of the Sydney Basin and NSW we should expect more this fire season. It is very important to know what your responsibilities are on a Total Fire Ban day.

A total fire ban means no fires out in the open. A total fire ban helps limit the potential of fires developing.

During a Total Fire Ban you cannot light, maintain or use a fire in the open, or to carry out any activity in the open that causes, or is likely to cause, a fire, such as “hot works”

Only gas or electric barbeques may be used on Total Fire Ban days.

What is your next step to keep your family, home and property safe should bush fire threaten?

1. Make a Plan and be ready to implement it.
a. When to leave?
b. Where you will go?
c. How will you get there?
d. What will you take?

2. Monitor the Fire Danger Ratings sign.

3. Keep up to date with the Fires Near Me app on your phone.

4. Prepare your home and property
a. Gutters – cleaned regularly and fit gutter guards
b. Lawns – Keep mown and free of leaves and twigs
c. Flammables- remove wood piles and ensure gas bottles are in a safe cleared space.
d. Remove low dry scrub from around buildings
e. Ensure your house/property number is clearly marked so emergency vehicles can locate you.

LendLease Community Day

Each year Lendlease holds a “Community Day” where staff are encouraged to assist local community groups. The Brigade was lucky to have a number of employees including some local residents participate. They were able to spread mulch, kindly donated by local Bruce Williams, around our station grounds to keep the weeds at bay and looking tidy. This is the 4th year the Brigade has had this assistance from Lendlease staff.

For further information go to www.rfs.nsw. or contact the Brigade: Station Phone: 9652 2017 (leave a message and someone will get back to you) or talk to a real person, James: 0422 168 914.

Facebook: Glenorie Rural Fire Brigade.
Email: [email protected]