galston community news

Glenorie Public School

Term 2 is nearly over! What an amazing busy term we have had.

We have had many exciting events happening this term and we cannot wait for more wonderful events next term.

Well done to the Year 6 Glenorie debating team, who competed against the students from Asquith Public School and Dural Public School. The effort and presentation of all the students was fantastic. Mr Yusufov and Miss Phillips were very impressed by the high standards set by the students involved. Well done, you did a fantastic job. Congratulations on your wins.

A big thank you to Conservation Volunteers Australia, in partnership with Boral, and the students for cleaning up our endangered forest of all introduced the weeds. The forest is free from many different types of weeds and now looks great. The excellent work put in by the students from Glenorie Public School and the wonderful volunteers made our forest clean and safe. We appreciate all your hard work to make our natural environment stay that way.

Congratulations to Chloe, Lachlan, Ben and Nathaniel for representing Glenorie Public School at the Sydney North Area Cross Country. They all tried their hardest and worked to the best of their ability. What wonderful sportsmanship they had. They all finished with amazing results and we wish them luck in the future.

Congratulations to Eloise, Momo, Sebastian and Jaime for participating the Public Speaking at Cherrybrook Public School. They all did a wonderful job and worked hard to receive their place. They did a fantastic job representing Glenorie Public School.

What a wonderful job the senior boys showed in the Paul Wade Soccer Gala Day.The team won three out of four games and went home with a bronze medal. The boys showed great sportsmanship and excellent participation throughout the day. Congratulations on your third place win.

On Wednesdays, Year 6 will be holding a fundraiser by making, delivering scrumptious chicken burgers. They will prepare a delicious chicken burger at recess, and deliver them to the students at lunch. All money raised will go towards the Year six farewell at the end of the year. All year six are excited to raise money for their farewell.

As you can see this has been an awesome term. We cannot wait for more fun events to extend out learning.