galston community news


All residents are invited to join us at our Annual General Meeting at 7:45 PM at the Glenorie RSL on Tuesday 14 August. It is vitally important that we have all positions filled to make the Association a progressive force in our District.

The next meeting of the Glenorie Progress Association will be the AGM on Tuesday 14th August. The AGM will be followed by a general meeting where we will continue addressing local issues that can impact on your life in the Glenorie District. These are some of the issues:

BORAL CONCRETE – DA for the upgrade of the Glenorie batching plant has not yet been lodged (at the time of writing this report). At our last meeting a video was presented of the significant dust and noise factors from another batching plant – unacceptable levels that such an upgrade would cause in our semi-rural environment. Get ready to make your submission to THSC as soon as the DA is lodged. Keep an eye on our facebook page or join our Association and we will keep you posted on our Say NO to Boral campaign.

GLENORIE BAKERY – A DA has been lodged for extended hours for the Bakery 6am to midnight Monday to Friday and 6am to 11pm on Sundays. In response to members concerns, the GPA has made a submission against the by Diane Coxon Ellis  extended hours. Individual members have also made submissions. Compromises have been offered so that an additional evening venue can be available to residents but not at such extended weekday and Sunday hours.

NEW LINE ROAD – Contact Matt Kean our Hornsby State Minister for Innovation and Better Regulation to advise him if you are concerned about the gridlock you may experience when using this road. Fishtailing jokes aside, we would all benefit from road widening of our access roads.

The beautification process of the Glenorie Bus bay is continuing and the repaired tarmac will mean a much safer walking and driving surface in prettier surroundings. Thank you Hornsby Council! If you wish to comment positively on the good works to date, please send to the Council. The planners and workmen would greatly appreciate it!!

If YOU are interested in contributing your comments on any local issues, ring Di on 0418 432 587 or email us at [email protected] or better still, join us at our meetings in the downstairs function room of Glenorie RSL on the second Tuesday of every month.