Plant Life

Glenorie Progress Association News

Boral concrete – At the time of going to press, the DA for the upgrade of the Glenorie batching plant still has not been lodged with The Hills Shire Council. Residents are advised to make a submission to THSC as soon as the DA is lodged. (Keep an eye on our facebook page.) The opposition to the plant is growing with an awareness campaign being run. The general feeling is that the ideal would be to relocate the plant altogether from Schwebel Lane Glenorie to a more suitable, industrial site – not in our semi-rural village, so close to residential, school and shops.

If YOU are able to help spread the message, please ring Di on 0418 432 587 or email us at secretary@glenorieprogress. If you join the association you will be sent the updates directly and we now have a very healthy, growing membership of 65 members.

Glenorie Bakery – A DA has been lodged for extended hours for the Bakery i.e. 6am to midnight Monday to Friday and 6am to 11pm on Sundays. Submissions with The Hills Council close on 5 July, 2018.

Hornsby issues – Councillors Michael Hutchence and Warren Waddell are still active in assisting with our planning ‘vision’ in Glenorie. Hornsby State MP and Minister for Innovation and Better Regulation, Matt Keane wishes to gauge residents’ level of concern on the widening of New Line Road to improve the infrastructure of roads. You can contact him on

M9 Outer Sydney Orbital is also on our radar and in the news. The NSW Farmers are obviously to be impacted but have had no direct government consultation. Residents of Maraylya and other suburbs have had advice of acquisition of their homes. Government is under pressure to pinpoint the exact routes of links to the Central Coast, Newcastle or the Blue Mountains so keep monitoring the news broadcasts to ascertain if this reportedly 200m wide corridor incorporating a freight line will impact on our district.

Environment Centre – Streamwatch volunteers are active checking conductivity levels in Glenorie Creeks.

Glenorie Bus bay – Tarmac repairs have happened so it is a much safer walking and driving surface!

Woolworths – Keep watching for a local Associations dedicated noticeboard in a new space on the Woolies wall.

Join us at our next meeting at 7:45pm at the Glenorie RSL on Tuesday 10 July.
