galston community news

Glenorie Progress Association Continued

Glenorie Progress Association (GPA) to Hold Glenorie Community Forum on Hornsby Shire 20-Year Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS)- Last Chance to Have Your Say!!!!

The draft LSPS is a 20-year strategic plan for the Hornsby Shire. It is Hornsby Council’s Strategic Plan driven mainly by targets that have been set by the NSW State Government for population growth in the area. It will include a separate Rural Areas strategy and a guide to the type of development that will take place in the Shire and in Glenorie over the next 20 years. Public submissions close on October 16 and now is Glenorie Residents’ chance to have your say before it becomes too late.

The current draft LSPS sets 8 key priorities:

1. Expanding the tree canopy

2. Protecting the character of low density neighbourhoods (such as ours)

3. Improving the quality of architectural design for new developments

4. Protecting, conserving and promoting the Shire’s natural, built and cultural heritage

5. Revitalising the Hornsby Town Centre

6. Protecting and enhancing the environmental value and economic productivity of the Metropolitan Rural Lands

7. Supporting sustainable economic growth

8. Building resilience to natural hazards, including bushfire risk, flooding and climate change

Hornsby Council has sought Community input through various forums, including Community meetings, ‘pop-ups’, direct submissions to Council and an online questionnaire. The GPA will make a submission to Council on behalf of the Glenorie Community and your input is sought in this regard, We are hoping to have Hornsby Planners present a summary of the draft LSPS and Rural Strategy, followed by questions and an open discussion of your/Community views.

A tentative date has been set for October 8 at the Glenorie RSL but, depending on the availability of Hornsby Council Planners, this may change so please watch the GPA website, Glenorie Woollie’s noticeboard and Glenorie Community Facebook page for further details.