galston community news


Between Wisemans Ferry and Dural the number of new dwelling building approvals jumped from 88 in 2016 to 255 in 2017. That’s a massive 289% increase in one year. As these new houses are completed and families start living their lives in the district, traffic will increase and demands on local services will increase.

Anecdotally, Glenorie Preschool is already full for 2019. We absolutely welcome the new residents of Glenorie and surrounds; however, it becomes incumbent on the governments, state and local to also provide the infrastructure and services to match the dwellings they approve. Each development generates developer contributions which the council collect, and these funds should be returned to community infrastructure, where the funds were generated.

We welcome the recent completion of playground facilities by The Hills Shire. However, there is still much to do. Traffic is building and there seems to be no plan to match. GPA continues to urge the NSW State and Hills and Hornsby Shire Councils to resolve the New Line Rd and Old Northern Roads congestion that is impacting local families. We even see that parking around Glenorie is becoming an issue on weekends. The GPA intends to work on a master plan for Glenorie in consultation with the governments, so that the governments can work cohesively and not in isolation of each other when delivering for Glenorie. Join the GPA and you can contribute to a master plan for Glenorie that will benefit the entire community.

Glenorie Bakery
The Hills Shire Council held a Local Planning Panel Meeting (LPP) on Wednesday 17 October 2018 at 1.00pm in relation to the Glenorie Bakery’s application for extended trading hours. GPA presented its proposed hours in a letter of offer to endorse a revised DA to the Panel.

The Panel asked Glenorie Bakery to submit a new DA. Again, the GPA appreciates the bakery, it’s passion, product, ambience and charity and everything it brings to the district. The GPA would endorse an application for revised hours as per below.

Proposed by Glenorie Bakery
Mon to Wed: 6am – 10:30pm
Thurs to Sat: 6am – 12:00am
Sun: 6am – 10:00 pm
Proposed by GPA (hours of operation the GPA would endorse)
Sun to Wed: 6am – 9:30pm
(important school nights)
Thurs: 6am – 10:30pm
Fri to Sat: 6am – 12:00 am

Local Developments
The GPA members continue to review local development applications to ensure they will benefit the community. We seek to encourage development that brings amenities, diversity of accommodation and general benefit to the community whilst maintaining the natural and semi-rural environment we enjoy. We oppose developments that will negatively impact your way of life and the things you enjoy about Glenorie.

GPA remains opposed the potential upgrade of the Glenorie Batching Plant by Boral and will continue to remain vigilant for any development with the potential DA.

GPA is opposed to DA 668/2018 lodged with Hornsby Council to develop 146 Units, 74 Aged Care beds and 383 Car Spaces, up to 14m high Vineys Road, Dural. This development would only add to the traffic chaos we all experience commuting through Dural.

Join Us
Do you love where you live? Do you not want to see Glenorie swallowed up by Sydney’s urban sprawl? Would you like to see infrastructure in place before development? You can make a difference.

GPA exists to give you an effective voice. Join online today at or come along to our next meeting 7:45pm, 8th November 2018 in the function room, Glenorie RSL.

We would like to thank the Glenorie RSL for hosting our meetings every month.