galston community news

Glenorie Progress Association


Glenorie Public School was open to the public for use of the outdoor space over the weekends and public holidays in July under the Share Our Space program of NSW schools. Glenorie PS has a great covered basketball court and oval, climbing equipment and slides. It is a great initiative, just like several decades ago when Glenorie PS was the go to place for kids basketball. Thank you, Glenorie PS, for sharing your space and we trust all users were respectful of the gesture.

Glenorie actually has some great public space facilities and if you have not taken advantage of them yet, you should, starting from the south and moving to the north (see map):

1. Ted Schwebel Park Reserve – nestled in the southern estate of the village, this is a great park for younger children. It is on a quiet street with excellent playing equipment that is well maintained.

2. Cairnes Road Playground – is hidden and accessible only via 2 walkways in the northern estate of the village. This park hosts Glenorie Fairy Forest, play equipment and the bridge accessing the park is an excellent vantage point to watch Glenorie Creek in full flood in a heavy downpour.

3. Wal Buckingham Memorial Reserve – the site of Glenorie’s ANZAC Dawn Service but also a place to timeout when you grab a coffee from the takeaway, pizza shop or bakery.

4. Glenorie RSL Club Play Ground – shaded play ground, licensed. You can enjoy a beverage and watch the kids.

5. Glenorie Public School – only accessible under the Share Our Space program during school holidays. Google the program for next dates. The school has a covered basketball court and play equipment.

6. Glenorie Park (Oval) – located north of the School, this is a full size oval which hosts club sports on the weekend. During the week it’s a great place to kick a ball.

7. Les Shore Reserve – has evolved to become the premier sports facility in Glenorie. It hosts 3 ovals including a cricket pitch. A club house, cricket nets, tennis courts, netball courts and an impressive kids playground. You may not be aware that is also has a “bush” walking loop on the site, which is very accessible and a short loop. Les Shore Reserve was an extremely popular destination during “lock downs” and proved it’s worth not just for club sports but also general community recreation.

The access to Les Shore Reserve from the village has just been enhanced by the addition of a concrete foot path from the lights opposite the school to the reserve. The project is almost complete with only two sections to be finished. This will improve the safety of access to the reserve which will only increase in popularity as the population increases. Children, families, anyone will be able to ride or walk safely from the village to the reserve (they still need to be careful crossing Sermelfi Drive). The GPA thanks The Hills Shire Council for building the path that will benefit the whole community and particularly Mayor Dr Peter Gangemi for initiating the path when he was a councillor.

Almost everyone in Glenorie knew Dave the mail man. When Dave left, various other delivery people serviced the area and for a while Facebook was full of stories of parcels being left behind a tree or out in the rain. To be fair, with all the rain, some people’s driveways became hard to navigate for deliveries and our delivery people have been getting bogged regularly.

The answer is an Aussie made Milkcan letter box that securely caters for not just letters and small parcels, but also contains a large parcel mail compartment where your deliveries can be kept safe and dry till you get to them. We have loved our letter box, so much so that we organised a discount code for the whole of Glenorie. We are not aligned with any one manufacturer, and if you can find an equivalent Australian letter box maker, go for it.

This discount code will get you a 5% discount on any of the Milkcan Pillar Letter Box range: MILKCAN5

I am pleased to report that deliveries have improved, and it seems that Sukh is performing most deliveries in Glenorie now.

I asked Sukh if the Milkcan letter box makes his life easier, and he confirms that it absolutely does being the right height for letters and easy for larger parcels.

Discount Code: MILKCAN5


We appreciate that The Hills Shire Council are continuing to deliver blackspot program for Cattai Ridge Rd. We are informed it will complete in August. Halcrows Rd remains a very dangerous route and will need attention. It has been phenomenal to see the work being done to restore Wisemans Ferry Rd across Little Cattai Creek, it is basically a reconstruction. We note that council, the bus companies and local state MP Robyn Preston moved very quickly to solve school bus transport issues with work arounds for children in areas like Maroota affected by the decimated roads. Thank you. We are blessed to have such hard-working representatives especially in times like these.

You can attend the next GPA meeting 7:15PM 11th August 2022 at Glenorie RSL. You can become a member online: https://www.
