galston community news


Hornsby Shire Rural Lands Study

The GPA is thankful to the Hornsby Shire and Councillors for progressing the important Rural Lands Study which addresses the Hornsby side of Glenorie. If you are a resident in the Hornsby Shire Council, you should review the plan and submit with your feedback. Now is your chance to have your say on planning that may impact you for the next 20 years.

The lands study can be found here: with the report here: draft-rural-lands-study/

The report and the background document are comprehensive, and it is very encouraging that as per GPA’s recommendations, the study has reviewed the Hills Shire approach and states that “any approach to Glenorie should be done in consultation with the Hills Shire”. This is a refreshing development and encouraging to see that this is stated clearly in the report.

The report refers to Glenorie as the ‘Northern Ridgeline’ and can be found on page 55. Some interesting excerpts from the recommendations of the report:

Rural villages (Glenorie)

• Protect and enhance the small scale and fine-grained village character of rural villages.

• Ensure appropriate buffer from village housing, to protect the operation of agricultural land to its optimal capacity (for example, spraying crops, dust, noise or odour emissions)

• Protect, maintain and enhance clearly defined green breaks around rural villages.

• Ensure appropriate buffer between village housing and productive agricultural activities.

• Locate any additional rural living opportunities in areas surrounding the villages.

• Preserve opportunities to locate rural service industry land uses in a district service centre such as Dural.

Notably, in relation to Glenorie: “Collaborating with the Hills Shire Council, investigate opportunities within 400m from the current residential zoned land around Glenorie village where the zoning of E4 Environmental Living could be introduced, provided land meets principles for placebased planning outlined in this Strategy.” This means further development opportunities up to 400m from the Village boundary. And “If land to be investigated for E4 extends along Old Northern Road, consider how strip development could be avoided to ensure the sense of a non-urban break between villages can be preserved, establishing a clear town boundary and sense of arrival to the rural area.”

There are plenty of items to consider in the report and provide your feedback on. The GPA will be making its submission in-line with preagreed recommendations by the end of October.

Thank you to Gary Mangan
The GPA joins many others in extending its gratitude and thanks to Gary Mangan who is retiring from his role as Branch Manager from the Galston & District Branch of Bendigo Bank. Gary has made a massive contribution to the clients, shareholders and the Galston Community through his consistent commitment to and hard work in our community. Over $1M in funding has been deployed to the community by the branch. Good luck for the future Gary.

You can join the GPA at and add your voice to important issues that affect Glenorie. Next meeting location to be advised on the website (RSL or Zoom).

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