galston community news

Glenorie Progress Association

The Hills Shire Council has been busy surfacing smaller neglected roads in the Glenorie area including a full re-surface of Pinus Ave and Smallwood Road off Halcrow’s Road, which is home of Sandstone Sales. Thank you to the council for investing in these necessary improvements. Since the tragic fatal accident on Cattai Ridge Road, The Hills Shire Council has also reviewed the safety of the entire road. Council engaged an independent consultant who recommended improved signage, road markings and road improvement. In correspondence with Council, Michael Lathlean, Manager – Asset Management, Traffic & Parks, said: “It would appear that the intersection of Halcrows Rd and Cattai Ridge Rd is far from satisfactory so I will include an amount of funding for a redesign of the intersection in next year’s Works Program.” While we are talking investment, Les Shore Reserve: The Hills Shire Council is on track to complete the upgrade of the amenities building at Les Shore Reserve by end of November. The refurbishment of the old store rooms into 3 larger store rooms with roller door access will benefit the local community and sports teams including Hills Pumas FC. We look forward to Council’s continued investment in the area and thank them for their attention.

Over the past several years we have heard stories from local business owners who have had a tough time with council red tape. At Glenorie Progress Association we want to encourage local business. Local business means more local employment. Local business means less people commuting in cars to congested centres for their work. Local business means local services. We have noted several well run, well known and viable businesses who have had to make other arrangements or move their business due to council. It could be as simple as keeping trucks in your yard or repairing equipment at your home that is causing an issue. If you know of or have had such an incident please send your details to Callum Hoogesteger, Secretary [email protected]. We plan on running a local business forum in the new year to see what can be done about better support for local business.

Hornsby Council is undertaking a Rural Lands Study. This is probably a once in a decade or more chance to have your input to the character and lifestyle you would like for the Hornsby side of Glenorie. We would encourage as many as possible to participate. The Glenorie Community Workshop with two sessions will be held at Glenorie RSL Monday 4th November from 2pm till 4pm and 6:30pm till 8:30pm. You can register your interest here:

The GPA, Glenorie Memorial Hall Committee, Glenorie RSL Subbranch and Hornsby Shire Council are working together to plan and deliver safety and aesthetic improvements to the Glenorie ANZAC Cenotaph and surrounding park. We have applied for a grant to assist in the funding and are working collaboratively on plans. It is agreed that an element, to be determined, will be dedicated to the memory of Ray Whiteman and the amazing contribution he made to our community. The Whiteman family will also be involved in and contribute to the improvements. Watch this space.

WHAT INITIATIVES WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE ACTIONED IN GLENORIE. HAVE YOUR SAY. You can make a meaningful contribution to the progress of Glenorie. What do you think of: Netball Courts at Les Shore Reserve, or maybe a skate park? Do we need a path from the village to the oval? Does Ted Schwebel Park need toilets and shade? Whatever the idea or need, Hornsby and Hills Councils as well as State and Federal Governments appreciate the input of Glenorie Progress Association to assist in their planning and expenditure.

Next meeting Thursday 14 November at 7pm at Glenorie RSL.
You can find out more or join or renew at