galston community news

Glenorie Progress Association

The Glenorie community is at an interesting juncture in time in terms of planning. Glenorie is split by two local councils, The Hills Shire and Hornsby Shire councils. Both councils are undertaking planning reviews and planning.

The Hills Shire Council has drafted 2036 Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) and Hornsby Shire Council’s most ambitious planning project to date, the Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS).

The plans may impact our way of life in Glenorie. The Glenorie Progress Association has made a submission to The Hills and will submit to Hornsby along the same lines. In case you have not had a chance to see our response, you can view it on the GPA website at:

Here are some excerpts from the response:
The data presented in the LSPS tells the story of significant growth in the shire into the future, mainly in concentrated urban areas close to public transport hubs. Glenorie is one of a very few remaining contained villages in the shire and possibly the most unique due to its proximity and rural setting. It is logical to expect that Glenorie will increasingly become an asset to both The Hills Shire and Hornsby Shire as the majority population in the concentrated areas seek relief from their urban setting and seek an easily accessed destination in a rural setting. To that end, to benefit not only the Glenorie community, but also the wider community of the shires, the GPA seeks to assist the Council in planning to evolve Glenorie with a character overlay part of which is a destination for others, with local services, open public green spaces that reflect our rural and natural heritage.

Glenorie is split by LGA (Hornsby and The Hills) and from time to time by electorate both state and federal as the boundaries are moved. Even within the Greater Sydney Planning Commission, Glenorie is split. Glenorie sits on the periphery of every area / jurisdiction and so historically has attracted little attention. This has been a blessing and a curse.

With the Hills Shire and Hornsby Shire both conducting reviews and forming strategic plans at similar times, the opportunity exists for The Hills and Hornsby Shire planning teams to collaborate on a holistic plan for Glenorie, or produce two complementary plans (one for each side) for Glenorie. We are very encouraged that The Hills Shire Planning Team has stated its intent to do so. The GPA would love to see this stated in writing as part of the strategy.

Contained Village
Glenorie is a village and must remain a contained village. We note the Planning Team’s nominal 1km radius from the centre of Glenorie as a nominal containment line for village development. There are “pockets” within the containment line which are not suitable for development or where the affected community would not welcome development. Regardless of how a boundary for the village is determined, by radius, or asset boundaries etc, the GPA above all other principles wants a village concept maintained with no urban sprawl.

Development must release public green space that is connected and accessible
Any development must release public green spaces that are connected and provide access and connectivity to residents and visitors. The public areas must contain navigable paths and be natural or landscaped. NB: While Glenorie has large spaces, they are private and not accessible, and Glenorie lacks public, accessible green spaces.

Commercial, retail and light industrial zones in and around the village are needed to provide services and employment opportunities.

The GPA would like both councils to work on setting aside zones to support increased retail opportunities (on both sides of Old Northern Road), commercial opportunities and a light industrial / commercial area away from the village, so that Glenorie’s service, commerce and employment opportunities can increase.

What initiatives would you like to see actioned in Glenorie. Have your say.
You can make a meaningful contribution to the progress of Glenorie. What do you think of: Netball Courts at Les Shore Reserve, or maybe a skate park? Do we need a path from the village to the oval? Does Ted Schwebel Park need toilets and shade? Whatever the idea or need, Hornsby and Hills Councils as well as State and Federal Governments appreciate the input of Glenorie Progress Association to assist in their planning and expenditure.

Next meeting Thursday 8 October at 7pm at Glenorie RSL. You can find out more or join or renew at