galston community news

Glenorie Progress Association

THE GLENORIE PROGRESS ASSOCIATION held its AGM on 8 August 2019. Firstly we acknowledged the passing of one of the finest Glenorians, Ray Whiteman. Ray was the mainstay of the GPA for almost two decades. Ray had a great sense of community and his passing will certainly affect the dynamic of Glenorie. We took a few moments to remember Ray.

We recapped our achievements over the last twelve months:

Major success:
GPA has now established itself as a conduit for the residents in planning our village by The Hills Shire Council (THSC) and Hornsby Shire Council (HSC ).

To date we have brainstormed a great length about the Glenorie Village Plan with the following agreed outputs:

• Contained village with limited development;

• No urban sprawl

• No more rural subdivision like the clusters already determined

• Public green space – possible village gardens and fruit trees

• Connectivity – walk cycle shared paths;

• Renewables as a covenant to all new development – solar power & water, inground water tanks, recycled water, double glazing, insulation etc.

• Roads, infrastructure to support current and future development.

Our draft strategic plan was submitted to The Hills Shire Council on 9 August and will continue to evolve and also become a submission to put to HSC in three months when they put their plans on public exhibition for comment.

The GPA continues the dialogue with Boral on their intended DA submission. We have made Boral representatives aware that the residents are totally opposed to the upgrade and the GPA will actively campaign against the upgrade. Locals continue to report breaches to The Hills Shire Council (THSC) of current consent hours and inappropriate truck movements. Recently we contacted Boral representative Paul Jackson to moot the idea of Boral relocating to a more suitable location in the Dural area in an established industrial centre.

However Boral advised that the DA will still be lodged. The GPA will continue to be vigilant for the residents.

• The Environment Centre conducts an annual search for Koalas during the Koala mating season (August to February). We organised a Lifestyle Workshop on “Koalas in Their Environment” at the Glenorie Hall on 18 May launching the Western Sydney University Koala Project. Contact Dr. Michelle Ryan if you have property where the University may be able to set up koala monitoring equipment.

• Water quality testing of Glenorie Creek has been continuing on a monthly basis over the past year.

• The Australian Museum handed over the hosting of the Streamwatch programme in June 2019 to the Greater Sydney Landcare Network. Pat invites residents including kids and grandkids, to assist with Streamwatch.

Another success has been the ‘table’ that we ‘man’ at the Glenorie Growers markets of the fourth Sunday of the month. The market has a “nice vibe to it” so all are encouraged to support these locals.

Shop Top housing in Glenorie works commenced in June 2019 as evidenced by the demolition of 5 shops. The GPA still looks forward to working with the community and Tazcol to see the erection of these buildings for the best outcome for the Glenorie community. We recognise the impost the noise, dust and lack of parking spaces is placing on the current shops particularly the Restaurant, Butcher, Beautician and Dentist and urge locals to still support these businesses.

Glenorie Community Hall is still under the control of Hornsby Shire Council and the Hall Committee has incorporated. The GPA is willing to continue to assist in keeping our Hall in the Glenorie community hands.

The Glenorie Bus Bay has been resurfaced and the gardens project is a work in progress as the budget has ballooned out to a major project now. This will hopefully be completed in the near future.

Thanks to: Our honorary accountant, Cathy Vipond of Hills Accounting Solutions, who again reviewed the Association’s books at the end of the financial year.

So, in summary, we want to see great progress in the future of Glenorie, and the GPA cannot achieve this as an Association without the support of the whole community. So we look forward to a year of continued successes with the backing of all so encourage everyone to become involved.

Join us at or at meetings the 2nd Thursday on each month.