galston community news
Clare oliver

Glenorie Progress Association

The Glenorie ANZAC Day dawn service will not be held this year. Interested parties include Glenorie RSL Club, the Glenorie RSL Sub Branch, the Police, Hornsby Council and Councillors and all are aware that everyone has a duty of care to the public and safety is the main concern. The GPA looks forward to working with the various authorities to work out a viable solution for 2020 and onwards. All solutions will require a significant financial investment and working in tandem with council. We will be calling for input from local businesses and residents to help us work as a community to address this issue and bring us all together to create a safe Memorial Park and venue for all of us to hold events in a safe environment.

BORAL CONCRETE UPGRADE: representatives have advised that there will be no progress on this upgrade until the next financial year. GPA continues to monitor this issue as it will have a huge impact on our semi-rural village.

ROAD SAFETY ON GLENORIE ROADS: As this issue is more than a year in abeyance, we will be resurrecting the issue about speed limits with the RMS andThe Hills and Hornsby Councils.

Speaking of the RMS, signage for the koalas to cross safely on Old Northern Road has fallen on deaf ears. It seems the concern is for vehicle collisions not the animal. We will continue to pursue the subject…

So in this vein…an event to look forward to is the Information Day on 18 May at the Glenorie Hall. Theme of the day is Koalas in their environment. There you can learn how to engage with and relate to our AUSSI icon in our area. Mark the date on your calendar/ phone etc.

The Environment Centre group has reported on Streamwatch water testing highlighting issues with the Glenorie Creek phosphate levels. Water quality has improved greatly over the years but we are aiming for consistently low phosphate levels.

As far as other environmental issues are concerned, our residents, particularly new residents in the area are urged to think about bush care. The argument being that new residents are attracted to the district for the peace and quiet, bush animals and birds and vegetation, then are part of the process that destroys those things they came to enjoy. Please be aware of Council rules on removing vegetation and work towards retaining the ambiance of Glenorie and surrounds while still going forward with developments and the additional infrastructure need to support them.

In our local issues we continue to have the assistance of Hornsby Councillors Michael Hutchence and Warren Waddell. We welcome The Hills Councillors on board and hope to have a continuing relationship with Robyn Preston, Peter Gangemi and Brooke Collins.

Together we hope to improve road safety, parking, sustainable and affordable housing. Julian Leeser our Federal Representative has also met with the GPA to discuss local issues and forwarded info on grant funding we can access to assist us in projects.

NEW WEBSITE UNDER DEVELOPMENT: Yes we know the old one is unhappy so we are working on a “smashing” new one. Good news is that the facility to join the GPA and to renew your membership online will soon be available again and even better news is that if you join or rejoin now it will be included in the 2019/20 year. The boring stuff now… All our reports and minutes will be available on the Glenorie Progress Association website: http://glenorieprogress. Come along to our meetings now held on the second Thursday of the month. Next one is 9 April C U at the Glenorie RSL.

J&C Rando_trades