galston community news

Glenorie Probus Club Activities

In July Glenorie Probus Club had its annual Yuletide celebration. Each year they try and have dinner at a different venue. This year it was decided rather than go to a restaurant the celebration would be at the Presidents residence and everyone would contribute to the festivity.

This was a great success. The food was outstanding and all tastes were accounted for. Albeit there was too much. The decorations were superb and a wonderful time was had by all. The venue was a great success as people were able to move and mix freely and were much more relaxed than at a restaurant.

The clubs guest speaker for the month was Arthur Pearce who is a volunteer at the Sydney Maritime Museum and spoke on the history of Sydney Ferries.

Glenorie Probus Club Activities - Yuletide celebrationHe entertained with stories that with the first fleet to todays active ferry boats on the Harbour. The ferries contributed much to the early colony as the best farming and grazing land found was at Parramatta. However getting there from the town at Sydney was by boat and took a week of rowing all the way.

This need to transport between Sydney and the Food Source led to the development of the Ferry Service. He told about the development of the Ferries including many mishaps on the Harbour involving them. He also gave a brief run down on the Maritime Museum and its contents to encourage members to visit the site and see some of our Harbour history. A very passionate and knowledgeable speaker.

The Club meets at 11.00am on the 4th Wednesday of the month at Glenorie RSL and new members are welcome.

Contact Wendy Black on 9653 1022 or email [email protected]