Glenorie Probus Club finished the year on a high note. The club had a Trail day tour to Bobbin Head and Kuring-gai National Park. They gathered at the Kalkari Discovery Centre which has a facscinating collection of items on view. Following this it was a walk pass the Look Out and Discovery Trail. Then a drive down to Bobbin Head.
Here there were a number of walks around the area with different views of the Creek and surrounds. Following a lovely lunch the group moved to the North Turramurra entrance and viewed The Sphinx War Memorial. This was carved by William Thomas Shirley, a returned serviceman and trained stonemason over two years in 1924-5 as part of his therapy while he was a patient at the nearby Hospital.
The guest speaker for November was Ralph Steele from Galston Community Bendigo Bank. Ralph briefly outlined his background and the key roll he played in the creation of the Galston Community Bendigo Bank. The Bank is owned 50% by Bendigo Bank which receives 50% of the earnings and 80% of the remainder goes to supporting a wide range of Community Groups. The Bank has given just under $4,000,000 to date to benefitted a wide range if Community activities including schools, sporting clubs, disability support, aged care, Careflight, and Arcadian Artists to mention a few.
The club held its Christmas lunch at Glenorie RSL. The traditional Trivia Quiz was held which kept all entertained and thinking. This was followed by a great meal for the members which was provided by the club. Once again Santa visited and an enjoyable time was had by all to finalise the years activities.
The club resumes its activities in February with an exciting range of activites in plan for 2025.
The Club meets on the at 11.00am on the 4th Wednesday of the month at Glenorie RSL and new members are welcome.
Contact Wendy Black
9653 1022
[email protected]
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