galston community news

Glenorie History: Be A Part Of It Now

It’s not too late to become part of Glenorie’s future by claiming your place on the path of Glenorie history.

You can have your family name included in the Glenorie heritage pathway. Here are some samples of the ways you can honour a veteran in your family, remember a loved one or cement your family name in our history.

Look out for us at Open Days at the Hall or outside Woolworths. We can help you order the pavers. We can even give you a gift certificate to give to your family members to say you have purchased a paver.

Best way to pay (no fees), unless cash at our Open Days, is by Direct Credit to Bendigo Bank: BSB: 633 000
A/C Name: Ray Whiteman Heritage Fence Fund
A/C #: 172 608 085

Put your name and number of pavers as reference. Then… send your order form with wording via email to [email protected] Visit our website for the order form or use the QR code to place an order. Any questions that you may have can be addressed via email to [email protected]

to sponsor a pier and have your family name on that pier. To sponsor a pier, contact the [email protected] The Ray Whiteman Heritage Fence update – Four piers have been carved. We are almost there! Working with Hornsby Council, the plan is to be ready for Anzac Day 2025. Watch for the build to commence soon!

If you want to keep your finger on the pulse of Glenorie, come along to our meetings at 7:15pm 2nd Thursday every month in the downstairs meeting room of Glenorie RSL. Visitors are welcome but if you want to be kept up to date, please consider joining the GPA.