galston community news

Glenorie, A Haven for Wildlife

At our last meeting held at Glenorie RSL on Thursday May 11, we had the pleasure of hearing from Lilly, the Hills Hornsby Rural Koala & wildlife Project manager. The Hills Hornsby Rural Koala Project has been deploying wildlife song meters and cameras for over a year throughout the forests of Glenorie and Maroota. During this time many different animals have been heard and spotted on camera. It was a joy for our members to see what a haven our area has become to some very rare Australian animals and also of the importance our area to help sustain these habitats for the future of these animals.

There have been 100s of species sighted but some or the most exciting in our area are:
– Koala
– Platypus
– Wombat
– Yellow
-bellied glider
– Powerful owl
– Echidna

Hills-Hornsby Koala Project is a local citizen science project collaborating with the community and local ecologists to investigate distribution and population density of Koalas in the Hills and Hornsby regions. The project undertakes yearly surveys in the community and has created a local koala map of sightings. This year the koala map is being used along with historic sightings and habitat mapping to detect key areas to conduct koala searches with song meters and trail cameras. After local fires in our area it seems the koalas are making a return and are calling Glenorie home again.

We loved hearing about the amazing work that Lilly and the team are doing in our area and the importance of our forests and community to helping sustain our amazing wildlife.

For more information, if you wish to volunteer to assist in this wonderful project or, if you sight any of these rare animals in our area, please contact Lilly and the team through their Facebook page Hills-Hornsby Rural Koala Project or call Lilly on 0424 844 740. COMMUNITY BUSH DANCE Get your flannelette and denim ready for our Annual Glenorie Community Bush Dance! This is a fun event and a fantastic way to connect to our amazing community.

Glenorie Community Bush Dance Glenorie Memorial Hall 17th June 6pm Dinner and soft drinks provided Adults $25 Under 15 $15 Under 5 free Bookings: Enquires: Mark Holt 0418 298 121

We hope to see you all there!

Written by Annie Meyer – Member of the Glenorie Progress Association and 40+ year resident of Glenorie

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