galston community news

Galston Uniting Church

The thing that impresses me the most about Friday nights at Galston Uniting, is the buzz of activity. That’s because its KUCAs night!

KUCAs stands for Kids in the Uniting Church of Australia (which is a bit of a mouthful – hence “KUCAs”). KUCAs is for kids K – 6 and we can expect between 30 -40 on any given night.

At 5pm the action starts as parents sign-in their children for the next hour and a half, which may include fun and games, craft and music, a short bible message and a sit down meal.

Each night has a theme, which may include some fancy dress activity such as wearing outback gear or pyjamas. A really popular night is the “Drive-in Movie Night”, where the children first make their “cars” out of cardboard boxes before “driving” them in to watch a movie. Other popular nights have been a Scavenger Hunt and a Talent Quest. A new program is produced for each school term.

Our KUCA leader is Mrs Jill Udy, who is always well supported with plenty of adult helpers for supervision. Head chef Mrs Tanya Koorey, has a willing band of helpers and always manages to come up with something different that’s delicious and nutritious each week. The cost for each child is $5 for the night, which covers the costs of the meal and materials used. Of course, Rev Geoff Smith is usually there to help out and is a popular favourite with the kids.

For more details or a copy of the current program, please contact Jill on 9653 1238 or Elizabeth at the church office on 9653 2039.