galston community news

Galston Uniting Church

In June, the Galston Uniting Church Craft Group held working bees to make quilts. Some of these will be available for sale and others donated to children at Westmead Children’s Hospital, to brighten up their stay at the Hospital and then take home. The proceeds from the sales will go to the Church; National Cancer Foundation; Frontier Services and Parramatta Mission.

This year there are fifteen quilts in various stages of completion. Hopefully, they will be finished for the ‘Hanging of the Quilts’, part of our beautiful Creativity Church Service on 25 November. This Service also highlights a variety of arts and craft, is enjoyed by many and everyone is welcome.

If you would like to join the craft group it meets at the Galston Uniting Church, 11 School Road, Galston on Thursday nights at 7pm during school term.

For more information please ring Adriana on 9652-2132.

30th Anniversary Save the Dates

All those with a connection to GUC or who would like to be involved with its 30th Anniversary celebrations are invited to save the dates 26-28 October 2018 in their diaries.

Family Service Sundays 10am

Minister Rev Geoff Smith | 11 School Road, Galston 2159 | Phone 9653 2039 | www.