galston community news

Galston Uniting Church

Sunday Family Service 10 am
CPR/First Aid Training

Wayne Martin, a CPR/ First Aid trainer from Camden, donated his time to give a very informative and interesting presentation to a group of 25 members of the church. His message was that “early, high-quality CPR saves lives and that it really is not a complicated procedure”. We were able to practise the correct method of CPR on adult, child and baby sized manikins and also the basics of first aid in a variety of emergency situations.

Although the group hopes that they will not need to use these techniques in real life, everyone went away from the presentation very confident in their newly acquired skills and their ability to deliver CPR or first aid.

Apple Picking

In April we took advantage of the mild Autumn weather with a trip to Shields Orchard at Bilpin. After a picnic lunch we took a stroll through the rows of apples and came back laden with fragrant Pink Ladies and crisp Granny Smiths. Hopefully, many apple treats have since been enjoyed with families and friends from that beautiful, fresh produce!

30th Anniversary – SAVE THE DATES

Planning has begun for the Church’s 30th Anniversary. All those with a connection to GUC or who would like to be involved are invited to save the dates 26-28 October 2018 in their diaries. Cheers, from all at GUC.

Minister Rev Geoff Smith | 11 School Road Galston 2159 | Phone 9653 2039 |