galston community news

Galston Uniting Church

Sunday Family Service 10am

It’s not every day that you see a pony in church, even at Galston Uniting (although this has happened before). However, it did happen on Palm Sunday, the week before Easter, as Palm Sunday coincided with “Messy Church”! With the addition of some especially constructed ears, two ponies became donkeys (or “ponkies”), providing not only Palm Sunday symbolism, but also rides for the children.

“Messy Church” normally means a suspension of the usual worship format in favour of craft and other kid-friendly activities, as well as coffee and extended “chat time” for the adults, prior to a short worship time for all followed by lunch. Of course, a little accident from our ponies could have redefined “Messy Church” forever, but fortunately, they were well behaved.

Easter was a busy time at Galston Uniting with Rev. Geoff Smith leading us in four different services. On Maundy Thursday, Geoff prepared and shared a meal with those present as a re-enactment and reminder of Christ’s last supper prior to his crucifixion. Other services on Good Friday and Easter Sunday were well attended and very meaningful, with highlights being breakfast together after the sunrise service on Easter Day and the Men’s Choir singing “Alleluia, Christ is Risen” during the 10am service.

For some of our older folk, the Over 55’s recently enjoyed a delicious Devonshire tea/coffee, tractor ride and string bean and tomato picking at Canoelands Orchard.

Our children’s program, KUCA, is in recess over the school holidays and resumes on Friday 4th May at 5.00pm.

And the next in our Sunday afternoon concert series is on 3rd June at 2.00pm, featuring Bernard Walz in A Man and a Baby Grand – Encore.

For more information, please phone the church office on 9653 2039 on Tuesdays and Fridays.

Cheers, from all at GUC.

Minister Rev Geoff Smith
11 School Road Galston 2159
Phone 9653 2039