galston community news

The Galston Phoenix Reborn from the Ashes

It is with great excitement that we can announce the reopening of Galston Swimming Club. After two years of sitting in moth balls, this great club has taken its first steps into rebuilding into the local legend it once was.

At the time of writing this article, the club has signed up its first 16 swimmers and was organising its first race night, to be held on the 19th of April.

The club has announced cheaper memberships, subsidized uniforms and free giveaways for the first members to re-enrol. The club has produced Olympic champions like Lindsay Davenport, Ellie Overton and Grant Britts in the past, and new coach Logan Potts is excited to see where his new crop of athletes can go.

Many past Galston swimmers are currently on the Gold Coast competing in the Australian Age Championships and Logan is confident he can assemble a national team in the coming years.

The Galston swimming pool has undergone a massive refurbishment and is unrecognizable from the inside. State of the art air and pool filtration have been a massive improvement, especially noticed by these young athletes who spend so much of their time training in the facility. Hornsby Council have spent 6.5 million dollars on the upgrade!

Logan wanted to pass his favourite quote on to anyone thinking about joining the club. Micheal Phelps, the great American swimmer said, “You can’t put a limit on anything, the more you dream, the farther you get”!

See you at the pool. Info at the email address on the photo! Rod Dearden and Karen Mathie.