galston community news

Galston Swim Club is Growing

In the last three months, membership at Galston swim club has grown by a massive 30% as our swimmers’ performances are starting to get noticed all around Sydney. At the recent NSW State Open Short Course Championships, our eight qualifying swimmers made us the 14th most prolific club in the State. The camaraderie amongst the team is becoming contagious. Our new uniforms stand out like a beacon of excellence at the carnivals we attend. At the end of September, we switch from the Winter Short Course season (25m pools) to the more serious Summer Long Course season (50m pools) and the journey begins towards Nationals in Brisbane in April next year.

The success of the club is a combination of a lot of hard work by the kids, our coach Stacy Harding and her staff, an amazing committee and our wonderful sponsors. This month we would like to say thank you to Bendigo Bank who have just kicked in an amazing $5000. A community bank standing by its mantra of supporting the local community. We are also attempting to get a grant from Holden for new starting blocks. Search Galston Swim Club on YouTube and have a look at our application video….very funny!!