galston community news

Galston Rural Fire Brigade Welcomes their New Members

It has been a busy month or so with Galston Rural Fire Brigade welcoming 8 new recruits into the brigade.

Fortunately, with the easing of restrictions our new members have been able to re-join face-to-face training.

It was great to see our new members in person as they hone their Bush Firefighter skills after the last few months of online learning.

A recent training day down at Sallaway Creek had them using portable pumps, draighting water from the creek and deploying attack lines in preparation for the assessment in early December.

As part of our 2021 training program, we also have members undertaking training in Village Firefighting, First Aid and specialist Breathing Apparatus Operations. These skills allow our members to attend a range of incidents from bush and grass fires to house and structure fires, road accidents and assisting at other events like floods, storms and searches.

If you would like to join your local Rural Fire Service Brigade please visit

Get ready to welcome Santa Claus to the Galston Village on Sunday 19th December 2021. We’re pleased to still be able to bring our annual Santa Run and Santa photos to Galston and help spread cheer after a tough year. Current COVID restrictions will allow Galston RFB to conduct the Santa Run and Photos within a COVIDSafe environment.

Santa photos will be available from 12pm-2pm on the day. Families (and their pets) are welcome to come and take a photo with Santa in front of the firetruck in a COVIDsafe way. Then, from 4pm the much-loved and anticipated Santa Run event will see Santa travel the streets of Galston riding in the big red firetruck.

This years’ schedule:
• 12pm-2pm: Free Santa Photos at Galston RFB station
• 4pm: Santa Run Commences, From Galston Fire Brigade
• 4pm: Johnson Rd, Lackenwood Rd, Hansen Ave & Hakea Cres
• 5pm: Sylvan St, Devon Place, Forest Pl, Glen St & The Glade
• 6pm: Gardiner, Martin Rd, Nancy Place
• 6.30pm: The Galston Club (In the Playground Outside)
• 6.50pm: Galston Village Shops (Carpark Outside the Thai Square Cuisine)

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you, the community, for your ongoing support. We also thank The Galston Club and Bendigo Bank for their continued support, of which we are truly grateful.

From all the members at Galston Rural Fire Brigade, we wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy, Healthy and Safe New Year.