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Call-outs and pile burns
Galston Pumper and Galston 1 recently responded to a tree down, blocking Arcadia Rd and causing a small power outage in the local area. We helped with traffic control and awaited the safe removal of power lines. We also attended a local pile-burn hazard reduction in Galston to ensure it all went according to plan.

Pile burns
If you are planning a pile burn soon and are unsure over the rules, as a reminder permits for pile burns are required all year-round. Please make sure you contact your appropriate council for advice on a permit. NSW RFS Fire Control and your neighbours should also be notified, and piles must adhere to the approved standards.

Hazard Reduction Season
The cooler weather provides better conditions to perform hazard reductions. A hazard reduction may use a controlled burn as one way of preparing for future bush fires. While hazard reduction burning is strategically planned to minimise the potential impact of smoke on public health, some members of the community may need to take action to mitigate the risks of smoke from hazard reduction burning by planning ahead.

You can get updated information on where and when hazard reduction burns will be taking place by going to and selecting the ‘Fire Information’ tab.

Galston Firies in Focus:
Each month this year the Galston Rural Fire Brigade will feature a short interview with one of our members. It is a great way to discover just how diverse your local fire brigade can be.

Jarrah Tinmouth
Jarrah Tinmouth

Jarrah Tinmouth
How long have you been a part of Galston Rural Fire Brigade?
» 6 Years

What is your role there?
» Deputy Captain

When you’re not at the brigade, what do you do for a living?
» I work in IT at a managed services company as a senior engineer.

What made you join the RFS?
» Before joining the Galston brigade, I was part of Kenthurst brigade when I was 19 because I had a friend who was already there and we had just gone through the 2002 fires. Where I was living at the time, backed onto bush and we had a very close call in those fires.

Have you learnt skills in the RFS that you’ve used elsewhere?
» Yes, being part of the RFS requires you to work as a team, and more recently I completed my crew leader training to take on more leadership roles within the brigade. This has helped me grow my leadership style with my day to day work.

What makes the RFS family so unique?
» The mindset – everyone is there for a common goal, and that’s to help people. Everyone is from a different background and brings a different skillset, but we all utilise those skillsets amongst ourselves to provide the best outcome for the community.

What is a fond memory you have of your time at the brigade?
» During the most recent bush fire season, I went on several deployments over a 3-month period. Despite the challenging conditions we faced, I met a lot of great people from brigades all over Australia.

How is being in the RFS rewarding?
» The satisfaction you have of knowing you’re helping your community in times of need. Also, the great friendships you make along the way.

Duty mobile: 0491 119 152
Email: [email protected]

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